Affective Presence through 3D Printing
"Through a case study of the neoclassical marble sculpture Nydia, the Blind Flower Girl of Pompeii and its 21 st century re-emergence in 3D print, this chapter explores how 3D prints (the physical objects) and 3D printing (the technological process) may mediate art museum objects and affective presence. The chapter touches upon both challenges and potentials of 3D printing and discusses how affective presence, and 3D printing as an affective technology, emerge from material, temporal and technological conditions."
A. Ogundipe in Museums and Technologies of Presence, edited by M. Shehade and T. Stylianou-Lambert. Routledge.
Plattformiseringen av et kunstmøte
"The chapter explores how digital mediation affects aesthetic encounters. A case study of Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ «Untitled» (Blue Placebo) (1991) shows how the digital platforms through which the artwork is mediated, contribute to a broader diversity of participation than the physical museum space. The digital processes of mediation the installation is part of, express – and to some extent enforce upon both the audience and the artwork – certain logics, power structures and possibilities."
A. Ogundipe in Mangfold i spill, edited by A.B. Gran and E. Røssaak. Universitetsforlaget.
Museum open data ecosystems: a comparative study
"This study aims to investigate how, in forming their policy towards open data (OD), art museums interact with the OD ecosystems they are part of, comprising internal and external components such as cultural policy, legal frameworks, user groups and economic conditions and incentives."
"As the first comparative case study of art museum OD ecosystems that the authors are aware of, the study provides a qualitative analysis of the complex dynamics impacting OD policy within the mid-sized art museum. The authors identify specific dynamics that are thus far restricting further development of the OD ecosystem of the mid-sized European art museum."
P. Booth, T. Navarrete and A. Ogundipe in Journal of Documentation.