On the Matter of Participation: Examining a Nexus of Agency, Affordance, Atmosphere and Affect in Onsite and Online Art Museum Environments
"Developing a framework for analysis of participatory processes in aesthetic encounters, the thesis makes a key contribution to participation discourse. The framework constitutes a relational network of theoretical concepts – agency, affordance, atmosphere and affect – and aids in disentangling, articulating and understanding the multidirectional, mutually constitutive relations between museums, museum visitors and museum objects, as well as the technologies and environments which mediate and shape aesthetic encounters."
Digitization and Diversity: Potentials and Challenges for Diversity in the Culture and Media Sector
"The project Digitization and Diversity: Potentials and Challenges for Diversity in the Culture and Media Sector, is financed by the Research Council of Norway through the KULMEDIA programme. The overarching research question is: How does digitization influence the diversity dimensions in the culture and media sector?"